Coffee With Gringos Podcast
En este podcast te enseñaremos el inglés de una manera relajada y auténtica - mediante diálogos entre profesores nativos - para que mejores tu inglés conversacional.
Los Podcasts son programas de radio grabados. A lo largo de los años, nuestros alumnos nos han pedido ayuda para entrenar el oído y por ese motivo decidimos crear este Podcast dirigido principalmente a personas con nivel intermedio del inglés. Cada episodio es de corta duración para que puedas escucharlo completo en tu auto, en el metro, en la ducha, en el gimnasio, etc. Además, hemos escrito el diálogo para que, si te pierdes, puedas leerlo mientras escuchas.
Escúchalo aquí en nuestra página para leer mientras escuchas, o suscríbete para escuchar el Podcast en las apps a la derecha (itunes, soundcloud o stitcher).
¡Hola amigos! En este episodio de Coffee with gringos Episodio 180, hablaremos de una inspiradora Chilena que actualmente ha vivido en más de 5 países. Hablaremos de su viaje y de los desafíos que enfrentó en el camino. También exploraremos las experiencias culturales únicas que encontró en cada lugar y el consejo que tiene para otros que están buscando hacer movimientos similares. Siéntate, relájate y disfruta de la conversación: ¡No querrás perderte esta historia!
Read the full transcript here:
En este video, exploramos las cosas más extrañas de Chile según los extranjeros. Hablaremos de Jesse y Brittany sobre sus experiencias en Chile y lo que más les llamó la atención. Ya sea la cocina, la cultura, la gente u otra cosa, e incluso TERREMOTOS! Hablaremos de los aspectos únicos y sorprendentes de vivir en Chile. También escucharemos qué consejos tienen para aquella gente que quiera venir a Chile. Si tienes curiosidad por conocer Chile, ¡No te pierdas este vídeo!.
Read the full transcript here:
Acompáñanos en el episodio número 178 de Coffee with gringos mientras exploramos las culturas de Estados Unidos y Sudáfrica.
Discutiremos las similitudes y diferencias entre los dos países y sus respectivas culturas. Jesse y Brittany son expertos en sus campos, y compartirán sus ideas y perspectivas sobre este fascinante tema.
Quédate con nosotros para disfrutar de una increíble e informativa conversación sobre la cultura en Estados Unidos y Sudáfrica.
Read the full transcript here:
Cazuela, Curanto, Charquican…..In today’s episode, Brittany and Jesse talk about all the different types of Chilean food they’ve eaten over the years. Some good, some not so good. Discover what they find delicious and what they find not so appealing.
Read the full transcript here:
Yes—it’s true. After 175 episodes of Coffee with Gringos, Paige and Ian are leaving the podcast. While it has been a fantastic and amazing ride for both of them unfortunately all good things must come to an end.
Join us for Paige and Ian’s final episode of CWG as they discuss their experiences with the podcast from amazing special guests to live streams events and even a tipsy cooking show and give a proper farewell and goodbye.
Read the full transcript here:
While learning any language other than your native one is somewhat challenging, there are definitely some languages that happen to be easier to learn and others that are very difficult. That goes the same for native English speakers.
Join us for today’s episode as we discuss some of the easiest and hardest languages to learn for native English speakers from Spanish and Dutch to Arabic and Euskera.
Read the full transcript here:
The digital age has brought us all so many great things such as total connectivity, unlimited information, and futuristic lifestyles in an ever-convenient and comfortable world. However, the ushering in of this modern age has caused us to lose many things as they have become obsolete by our ever-glowing screens.
Join us for today’s episode as we nostalgically talk about things that we have lost to the Internet from opening up a fresh new CD rom to disposable cameras to childhood autonomy and more.
Read the full transcript here:
Have you ever been in a business meeting with English-speaking colleagues and heard them say something like “branch out” and thought to yourself, “what does that mean??”
Native English speakers love to use phrasal verbs whenever they can and come so naturally. But if you are new to English, they can be quite challenging—especially in the context of business.
Join us for today’s epsiosde as we discuss some of the most commonly used buisness phrasal verbs from “ step down” to “lay off” and many more.
Read the full transcript here:
Frequent special guest, Michael Papale, and our very own Paige Sutherland were recently on a hiking trip in the cold and wet White Mountains of New Hampshire in the northeastern United States where Michael suffered a series of unfortunate events—from falling in a creek and not having his phone and after being separated from the group, and eventually having a harrowing real-life survival story that put his mental and physical limits to the test.
Join us for today’s episode as we discuss Michael’s real-life scary survival story, how he lived to laugh about it today and how it could happen to anyone.
Read the full transcript here:
Do you ever feel like you just can’t get as much done as you would like to? Do you find yourself distracted by little things that keep you from getting your real work done? Well, you aren’t alone and the popular YouTube channel “ASAP Science” explains the reasons why in an interesting video called “The Science of Productivity.”
Join us for today’s episode as we discuss the science of productivity—from having a disciplined schedule and not multitasking to breaking up work into smaller chinks and giving in to the Zeigarnik Effect.
Read the full transcript here:
Like most languages, English vocabulary has been influenced by several other languages due to cultural exchanges, trading, and conquest. Latin, German, and French are just a few of the languages which have greatly contributed to the evolution of English vocabulary over time.
Join us for today’s episode as we discuss some common English words that arent even English, from “carpe diem” and “angst” to “hors d'oeuvres” and many more.
Read the full transcript here:
Non-fungible tokens—also known as NFTs—are unique digital pieces with unique digital codes that represent some sort of digital item that you can own. It could be digital art, music, videos, tweets, and even memes. It's totally unique and has a non-interchangeable unit of data which makes it encrypted in the blockchain system, similar to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
The NFT market has exploded in the last couple of years alone with over $40 billion USD sold in 2021 alone and is projected to continue growing each upcoming year.
Will NFTs catch on with each coming year in popularity or will it fizzle out like other trends in the past? Join us for today’s episode as we do our best to describe what NFTs are and what their future could be in our society.
The world has been shocked in the last few weeks by the developing story of the Russian invasion of its neighbor and former Soviet territory of Ukraine. Ukrainian cities are being invaded and bombed with civilians being killed as collateral damage.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade has caused an array of problems for both the people of Ukraine and the people of Russia from condemnation from the majority of the world’s leaders, crippling economic sanctions, a nearly worthless Russian ruble, and severe backlash and imprisonment of protestors.
Join us for today’s episode as we discuss the ongoing and developing situation between Russia and Ukraine and where this conflict will lead to in the future.
Read the full transcript here:
The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics have officially come to a close, just six months following the Summer Olympics in Tokyo, and being dubbed as yet another “COVID Olympics.”
As per most Olympics, there have been some highlighted moments from skier Mikaela Shiffrin’s attempt to live up to high expectations and Shaun White’s tearful farewell to yet another Russian doping scandal in figure skating.
Join us for today’s episode as we talk all about these stories and more with returning special guest and Olympics expert, Michael Papale.
Read the full transcript here:
Most people have just a very normal job, maybe as an accountant, teacher, lawyer, doctor, all these sorts of run-of-the-mill careers. But what about those people that do jobs that we don't even know exist or take for granted? These are jobs not a lot of people pursue even though it can involve some pretty serious cash.
Join us for this episode as we discuss bizarre, unusual, and odd jobs from dog food tester to professional snuggler and much more.
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The working world has been accustomed to the five-day workweek for over a century with the typical schedule of at least forty hours per week, Monday through Friday.
A lot has changed in recent years with workers demanding more flexibility and options in an ever-changing and developing society—including the introduction of a four-day workweek that allows for more personal time and less feelings of burnout.
However, can we as a society make this change function after so many years of following the standard five-day workweek? Will workers continue to be as productive?
Join us today as we discuss the ever-growing movement for the four-day workweek from its challenges to the positive benefits that it could provide.
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In a world full of vices such as alcohol and gambling, certain governments have been developing plans to limit the damage of these vices, especially among young people. One of the biggest vices—tobacco—has come into the forefront of debate of health, modernization, and personal rights in the form of a newly proposed tobacco ban.
New Zealand’s government has recently announced plans to enact a tobacco ban for the youth of their population with the goal of having fewer than five percent of their citizens smoking by 2025.
While in theory, a cleaner and healthier society is of course a good idea, but at what cost?
Join us for today’s episode of the podcast as we discuss New Zealand’s ambitious and controversial smoking ban and whether we think it is actually possible to implement and succeed.
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The billionaire space race is the rivalry among some of the world’s richest entrepreneurs who have entered the aerospace industry in recent years.
These business tycoons such as Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Elong Musk are picking up where under-funded government administrations are slacking and are competing for the most successful advancements and adventures in space.
While space exploration is exciting and breakthrough, should we be worried about these billionaires and their plans for space tourism and eventually colonization?
Join us for today’s episode as we discuss the billionaire space race and how it will change and revolutionize our relationship and accessibility to space forever—and sooner than we may think.
Read the full transcript here:
Following the trend of the previous year’s unexpected events amidst a novel pandemic, 2021 was no shortage of surprises. From political uprisings to the George Floyd case verdict to spectator-less Olympic games and same-sex marriage legalization in Chile, this year brought us more than we could have ever expected during one of the most unpredictable times in recent history.
Join us for the last episode of 2021 as we discuss this year’s wildest and most memorable moments.
Read the full transcript here:
¿Alguna vez has sentido curiosidad por saber cómo es estudiar y vivir en Holanda? En este episodio 181 de tu podcast favorito, Coffee with gringos, seguimos a un Chileno que estudió música y vivió en Holanda, también compartirá sus pensamientos sobre las diferencias culturales entre Chile y Holanda. No te pierdas esta inspiradora historia de un Chileno que vivio y estudió en el extranjero! 😲
Read the full transcript here: